You look like you’re crushing it financially but do you FEEL like you are?
We’re here to help you navigate towards a financial life that FEELS as good on the inside as it looks on the outside.

We have worked with everybody from the 22-year-old college students to the 77-year-old widowed retiree but we think we do our best work with:
- The Rookie of the Year: That young professional who is in the first couple of years into their career. You’re filled with ambition, yet wise enough to know starting early matters.
- The Sleepless Parent: You know who you are. You may even be reading this at 2:45am while rocking a baby back to sleep. By the time you get the baby to sleep and grab 2 hours of rest you feel overwhelmed with financial decisions.
- The Equilibrium Parent: The kids are a little older. You finally feel like yourself again and are ready to knock out all the financial goals (if youth sports doesnt rob you of your entire paycheck.)
- The Un-Joneses: You have done well without a financial advisor but as you approach retirement you feel like now is the time for some guidance. Congrats on not keeping up with the Joneses. They have 15 more years of work before retirement.
Don’t see yourself above? Don’t worry about it. Schedule a free introduction call and I’ll promise to be transparent about whether we can help or not.
Severance Summer
In the summer of 2016 I was fired from my corporate 9-5 when my wife was a stay-at-home-mom of our 16-month-old, and pregnant with our second son. Long (very stressful) story short, the next 3 months transformed my perspective on life. We used a small severance to spend the entire summer doing whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted (without touching our savings).
At the end of Severance Summer I started my financial planning practice with a singular pursuit: to help as many individuals as possible engineer a financial life that permitted them to live a perpetual Severance Summer lifestyle.

Cory Nichols
Founder & CEO
I want to teach you…
How to define financial success through your own lens and create bumpers that guide your financial decisions back in line with your desired outcome.
How to create systems and processes that permit you to live your life without constantly thinking about money.
And how to grant yourself permission to enjoy your money both now and in the future
Real talk? While I'm immensely proud of everything I've achieved professionally, you and I both know that life is more than just the highlight reel.
Here are things you can give me a hard time about when we meet
I can narrow down my fathers parenting to 5 words…. “Your word is your bond” My kids now tell me the same thing when I agree to anything.
My wife and I are both left handed. Our 3 boys are all right handed. Having 2 left handed parents only increases the odds of being left handed to 27% from 10% for 2 right handed parents.
In grade school I sent a letter to Jim Carrey and heard back from him. Unfortunately I didn’t know the difference between Carrey and Carey. Mr. Carey was NOT in Ace Ventura but he did appear on local TV as a handyman. (
The top item on my bucket list is to summit Kilimanjaro. When I worked in corporate America I wanted to put my company on the list of Top 10 companies to work for.
Everybody I meet thinks of me as an extrovert but they couldn’t be more wrong. At the end of the day I need alone time to recharge and prepare myself mentally for tomorrow.
My mother always says “Sometimes you make the right decision and sometimes you make the decision right” I'm sure she stole it from Dr. Phil or something but I always attribute it to her. -Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott
I remember at my high school graduation I was 1 of 3 students getting a standard diploma instead of an advanced diploma. 20 years later I still don’t know what the hell an advanced diploma is or why everybody wanted one. #owndrum
My wife and I were on House Hunters. 40 hours of film for 26 minutes of TV. All people remember is how obsessed I was with comfort height elongated toilets. If you don’t know what that is, you’re not my type of person.
I'm the kind of person who is annoyed by the ordinary. Why serve Stouffers Lasagna when you can make pasta from scratch and build every single layer by hand.
So much of my personal identity is tied up in what society would consider failures. Like my 1.7 GPA my freshman year of college and being fired from a job (not laid off). I believe we learn way more through adversity.
When I’m not thinking about numbers I am probably sleeping. My mind is constantly calculating something. As a kid I always wondered if that giant tower on the side of the road was tall enough to fall on us.
I'm an average parent. Even more so I am an average person. At Least mathematically speaking. Im 6’ 3” which puts me in the 98th percentile of males but my handwriting has to rank in the bottom 2 percent of non-doctors.
I will always say yes to a round of golf (much to my wife’s dismay.) The combination of competing with yourself and being outdoors is good for my mental health.
I thought I was the smartest human alive at 22. And again at 23 and 24. Now I realize how little I know and how much I have to learn. I'll warn you now, if we work together I'm going to ask a lot about what you do and how it works. I can't help myself.